22] Returning Projectiles CoC Ice Spear Build | Occultist | Ancestor | Path of Exile 3. 1. 21. Will the forked arrows travel 50 more units before disappearing? Will increasing projectile speed increase total distance travel (f. Vendor Recipes Item Cluster Jewel Oil League. Return Projectile Support Creates A New Potential League Starter | PoE 3. Return: By default with for example Returning Projectiles only primary arrow will return. Fires a returning projectile that can be caught. 38=5. Will the forked arrows travel 50 more units before disappearing? Will increasing projectile speed increase total distance travel (f. Using Nimis free up socket slot and its effectively 7. +(20-30)% to Lightning. Attack projectiles return to you from hitting final target. Now, with maximum intensity (3, we don't even need to talk about 4) you fire 4 projectiles, each for 322~ damage for a total of roughly 1289 damage per cast. Projectiles are entities which are produced by a spell or ranged attack which travel independently of their creator until they collide with an enemy or obstacle or reach. Now all effects that cause projectiles to return do so in any case that they can. What madness comes to mind on self cast projectile builds, ethereal knives etc? nimis was very strong on release and enabled all projectiles to benefit, this support does too and. Projectiles from Supported Skills Return to you from final. Fun and easy gameplay ; spending 290 life after the initial Corrupting Fever skill cast resets the skill duration so simply run and cast vulnerability / reap as required. 5% increased Projectile Damage This is a Support Gem. Projectiles which. Only one projectile behaviour can be applied each time a projectile hits a target. the difference between the total dps increase from. You just get 30% more damage ( and unlimited peirce) with the utility of returning projectiles. 22In this video I go over a potential use for the new Return Projectile Support that. Returning projectiles that were created at the same time still share a collision list for returning, they just have a separate list for their first portion and the return. It used to be the returning projectile would explode at your feet, guaranteeing a damage zone you could stack onto the boss. Vengeant Cascade makes your primary projectiles return. With the new Returning Projectiles gem introduced in Patch 3. It also doesnt come up in pob at all for me. 65 sec. Wiki wiki. Discussion about Path of Exile, a free ARPG made by Grinding Gear Games. It does not grant a bonus to your. 00 sec. MORE SPEED :D Tattoos: +1 projectile, 8% flask effect, flask effect duration, movement speed. Skill functions and interactions. Anomalous faster projectiles before 3. Trade . Hitting an obstacle, hitting an enemy with no remaining projectile behaviours, or reaching the maximum projectile distance will cause the projectile to return to the. So looking through the weapon passives, blazing salvo forking on passing through a flame wall has got me interested. Per 1% Quality: Projectiles have 3% chance to Return to you from final Target Supports projectile skills. Forking Salvo. I believe the same happens with chain, but in a different way. It does not grant a bonus to your. Posted by. However, if you you have a lot of returning projectiles from one attack, most of the time only one of the returning projectiles will actually hit the target. staudd Cockareel • 11 days ago. At the time, Nimis is basically the same thing but on an item. AoE breakpoints : The base radius of the skill is 18. Projectiles from Supported Skills Return to you Projectiles from Supported Skills deal (70-61)% less Damage while Returning Projectiles from Supported Skills Pierce all Targets while Returning Additional Effects per 1% Quality: Supported Skills have 0. ago. With the new behavior of how projectiles return, I'm wondering how it will work with frost blades in a single-target scenario. In addition, it increases your Dexterity by 36, but the real value is in its effect on projectiles. 0. Thank you Mark for explaining it! Then head over to our Discord and select the Path of Exile role in #roles to stay up to date with our content development. Cremation is a spell that explodes a corpse, turning it into a volcanic geyser that rapidly creates projectiles that explode for fire damage. ) (Returning Projectiles is a new support gem in 3. Level: 1–20. Explore economy and build overviews for the action role-playing game Path of Exile. Soulrend. Requires Level 38. Attack Speed: 50% of base. Based on the description, it does support both spell and attack skill. Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 140% Requires Level 31 Supports projectile spells you cast yourself. Contents 1 Speed and duration Some quick calculations: If RP support gem doesn't scale and stays at 70% less dmg for returning proj, and you give up one 30% more dmg support for RP: (1 + 0. These will deal area attack damage to enemies where they land. Vengeant Cascade is a notable passive skill that increases projectile speed to projectiles that return . Cobra Lash Deadeye Midgame Build Guide Path of Exile 3. time to kill with EDWA was 8. Path of Exile. It can hit something again on the way back, potentially resulting in 2 hits on same target. Nimis - Nimis is excellent, the downside of random direction for fired sparks will have no effect on you, but the returning Projectiles are extremely advantageous - their duration is basically doubled. Use our Ranger Leveling Guide for PoE - Classic Bow version. 5% increased Projectile Speed This is a Support Gem. 22 that focuses on speed, explosion, and survivability. This thread has been automatically archived. Projectiles from Supported Skills Return to you Projectiles from Supported Skills deal (70-61)% less Damage while Returning Projectiles from Supported Skills Pierce all Targets while Returning Additional Effects per 1% Quality: Supported Skills have 0. The TS enchant is for +1 secondary projectile, NOT a free GMP/LMP and those 3 proj will NOT shot gun per gem instance. Still looks awesome though. This unique feature of Ice Spear makes it ideal for damaging distant targets, but at the same time. If a projectile lasts for an explicit duration like Spark, or fades out over a fixed time like Freezing Pulse, it stops existing after that and can't. [1] Skills gems that create projectiles usually have the Projectile or Bow gem tag. In the PoB you will find step-by-step levelling trees as well as the gear we suggest the character is played with. VC was a 100%. Tag: Support, Projectile. - The Vengeant Cascade Anointed Notable Passive Skill no longer provides 15% increased Projectile Speed, "Attack Projectiles Return to you", or "Returning Projectiles Pierce all Targets. Version Changes 3. Returning Projectiles Support is not applying the "Projectiles from Supported Skills deal (70-61)% less Damage while Returning" line to poison damage. Fork Support. This is a 30% more damage support gem at level 1, 0 quality for projectile skills that can return. Build Request. Supported Skills deal (20-29)% increased Projectile Damage Additional Effects per 1% Quality: Supported Skills have 0. That 5th support link was probably at least 25% more damage, so realistically you’re losing 1. Every lightning trap already invests in pierce. POE Anomalous Returning projectiles Wicker Man Spectre. Fork is a support gem that causes any projectiles created by the supported skill to fork when they hit an enemy. A physical based projectile spell that launches several projectiles in an arc in front of the caster. 1Skill functions and interactions. Far shot does not have ANY wording, the Far Shot passive literally just says "Far Shot". Level 89 Summon Skeletons Necromancer 3. Returning Projectiles Support is a support gem which causes projectiles to return and pierce all targets while returning. If they pierce/fork/chain, they cannot return on that target (but can on future targets if they don't pierce/fork/chain on those). As far as a regular build, Raider is a solid option. It also can only hit each enemy once as it returns, so even if it did chase you, you couldn't run circles around an enemy to hit them multiple times with that same returning. Per 1% Quality:1Superior2Anomalous3Divergent1% increased. Requires a Dagger or Claw. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast-----Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, SSF, Item. At the same time, the Pathfinder class grants very high Poison and Chaos Damage bonuses from Attack skills, making it one of the most powerful DoT classes in. This passive synergizes well with the Bow Mastery that increases damage based on projectile speed . Most sources of Returning were Final-Target-Returning. This skill cannot be Triggered. Effectiveness of Added Damage: (130-185)% Requires Level 12 Slam the ground, creating a winding fissure that deals area damage while travelling outwards. If that target is in the way of some of the returning projectiles then one of them can hit it but the others will not. The projectiles will return if they hit a target and do not pierce/fork/chain from them. It also comes with the added benefit of increasing your clear speed due to more stray projectiles returning to you, more chances to proc things like explosion etc. Path of Exile Wiki editing functions. As part of this expansion's metagame rebalance, GGG has introduced 14 new support gems. I know shotgunning (hitting multiple times with the same cast/attack upfront) is something a skill either can or. The Fireball projectiles trigger and randomly fly outwards. Fires a returning projectile that can be caught. The theory is that if we hit the snipers marked enemy with the single projectile, all the split projectiles will return back to the main target for a lot of single target damage. None of the returning projectiles will necessarily hit that target when returning - returning sends them back to you (or whatever fired the projectiles if that's a totem or similar), not to where they split. This was made possible in 3. You get 13. I'll try this on my Ice Shot build. We have several high profile Path of Exile players that rather publish under a general name as PoEVault than use their own name. It causes projectiles to return and pierce all targets while returning. Patch note: Simplified projectile returning. Pierce has second priority for projectile behaviours, preceded by Split, and followed by fork, chain, then return. I'd appreciate it very much if you could confirm that, as I understand that GGG changed some of the exploding projectile behavior for returns with this patch. On it's face that reads as a base double damage multiplier on your primary projectile provided it goes through the target via any projectile behavior and provided. As for the returning projectiles, we will have to test it in 3. Only when the eye explode, it release a faster set of projectiles, which obviously increase their range. vengeant cascade is op in the current state. Anomalous Returning Projectiles Support. 00 seconds. Projectiles from Supported Skills deal 61% less Damage while Returning. You. I count about 50% of builds on poe ninja using a projectile tag skill. Fury Valve lets us scale the number of split projectiles by simply scaling added projectiles (GMP, Greater Volley, Dying Sun, etc. Projectiles with a single pierce - The projectile can pass through a single target and hit another behind them, returning to hit the primary target a second time. 20 % reduced Projectile Speed. The Strike Skills target 1-2 additional nearby Enemy mod allows us to hit with both our melee strike and projectiles. The mode, introduced as the main theme of the 3. This gem is quite powerful, and while it isn't as strong as Vengeant Cascade, it still is far and away the best sixth gem for Cobra Lash. It now grants “Supported Skills deal 0-10% increased Projectile Damage”. net Kraxizz. 00%. You can get 30% on Quiver implict and 20% on default quality on Scourge Arrow and then 10% on default quality on Returning Projectiles, alternatively 8% on tattoos. 3) x 0. 2) Double Curse Setup - With a +1 Curse Carnage Heart, Leap Slam + Hextouch +. This gem is quite powerful, and while it isn't as strong as Vengeant Cascade, it still is far and away the best sixth gem for Cobra Lash. ago. Its possible that deadeye node that chains on ground hit would fall under the same conditions. Barrage Support is a support gem which modifies bow and wand attack skills to fire additional projectiles in succession, much like the Barrage Barrage Attack, Projectile, Bow Level: (1-20) Cost: (7-11) Mana Attack Damage: (47-54)% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: (47-55)% Requires Level 12 After a short preparation. 5% increased Projectile Speed Projectiles from Supported Skills have 0. Fires 32 projectiles over an 8 second duration. In order to also make thorn arrows return, at least 55% total projectile speed is required. Critical Strike Chance: 6. Ice spear hits the enemy with its first form then pierce and returns back thanks to new returning projectile gem and hits again the enemy with its second form. BTW, slower proj or faster proj doesn't change the time it takes to return. Some gameplay situations become very difficult without the. Spectral Shield Throw Attack, Projectile, Physical Level: (1-20) Cost: (7-10) Mana Attack Time: 0. Pvp7 • 6 mo. ex main arrow flies 100 units, then forked. Caught projectiles spiral outwards when you use Whirling Blades and do not return. You can only acquire this passive through Anointment (using Oils) on an Amulet or valid Blight Unique item. 50 sec Can Store 1 Use(s) Cast Time: 0. 2Gem level progression. Soul Gain Prevention: 8 sec. " Previously the node required you to hit something to proc the return behavior. Deals (7–949) to (10–1423) Physical Damage. Lightning Trap Trap, Critical, Spell, Projectile, Lightning. Subprojectiles. Requires a Dagger or Claw. . Tag: Support, Projectile. 2. Corrupted. " Instead, it now provides "Returning Projectiles have 150% increased Speed. Once it's hit one target, a regular projectile cannot hit the same target again. PoEDB provides things come out each league, as well as items, uniques, skills and passives. The distance of the travel back also benefits from "far shot", getting the maximum effect of it. The returning projectiles also fly past our character and can hit enemies behind us,. Awakened Elemental Damage. So once outgoing and once returning. But returning, like piercing/chaining/etc, does not extend how long a projectile can exist. 0. Projectiles from Supported Skills deal (70-61)%. 16 Scourge League. Vaal Molten strike does but Vengeance Cascade doesn't work with it in testing. Projectiles from Supported Skills deal (61–70)% less Damage while Returning The above modifier behaves like a modifier to 'projectile damage' or 'damage with hits'. Projectiles from Supported Skills have 20% chance to Return to you an additional Time. • 3 mo. if you stand near a boss, that results in all the returning AoE Fireballs to overlap on the same target (Shotgunning). Scourge Arrow. Supports attack skills. 2: Fixed an issue where increases and reductions to projectile speed had no effect on Volcanic Fissure Volcanic Fissure Melee, Attack, Projectile, AoE, Slam, Fire Level: (1-20) Cost: 8 Mana Attack Speed: 80% of base Attack Damage: (130-185)% of base Effectiveness of Added Damage: (130-185)% Requires. The Divergent quality grants +1 Chain, which further increases your clear. Lightning Strike is the primary source of damage for this build. 21 Simplified projectile returning. Projectiles from Supported Skills Return to you. - Gives you a chance for an "Additional Return", which feels pretty good in-game. 0. Darkscorn 3. Requires a Dagger or Claw. You can also check our other Path of Exile builds: Odealo's Crafty Guides - Full List 1. This means that if you had split, pierce, chain, and fork supporting the same skill, it would first split from the monster, then pierce to it's maximum number of pierces, then fork, then chain to its maximum number of chains. Only one projectile behavior can be applied each time a projectile hits a target. Nimis. The actual mechanic here on the notable says that the projectiles returned to you. If a projectile is unable to perform a behavior in its sequence, it will attempt. Anomalous Faster Projectiles Support. This attack causes balls of molten magma to launch forth from the enemies you hit, divided amongst all enemies hit by the strike. Ballista Totem Support Bow, Projectile, Support, Totem Icon: R Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120% Requires Level 8 Supports any bow or wand attack skill, causing it to summon a ballista totem that uses the skill for you. These gems have been designed to take existing categories of skills and provide entirely new ways to play them, for example making your Warcries deal damage, having your projectiles return to. Stay sane, Exile! Path of Exile 3. Server: PC, Xbox, PS. 4. Anomalous Returning Projectiles Support Anomalous Returning Projectiles Support is a new Dexterity Support Gem. Hey guys, returning projectiles cast on crit ice spear occultist build is here. Simplified projectile returning. It does not matter if the projectile is traveling "forwards" or is "returning". Requires a Dagger or. 96% from a Level 5 Awakened Enhance socketed in a +2 Viridis. Projectiles from Supported Skills Pierce all Targets while Returning. After traveling a short distance the projectiles enter a second form. Returning projectiles pierce all targets. Supports projectile skills. If a projectile lasts for an explicit duration like. Reach of the Council Spine Bow. l don't believe there are arrow skills that explode at the end of travel like. One of the best Trap builds in Path of Exile 3. Projectiles from Supported Skills deal (61–70) % less Damage while Returning. Safe and Instant Delivery. Path of Exile item and currency. The projectiles return to the source. Yesterday we announced Ruthless, a new way for players to make their journey through Wraeclast even more challenging. Ice Spear is a cold spell that fires projectiles in sequence. However, Nimis made them rethink how projectile returning worked, and those changes happened this patch. If you used it with Split Arrow, for example, it. But if your Projectile is returning from hitting a monster, this monster will only be hit once. POB: build concept is not originally from me (Please see AZsrr Youtube channel). MayTheMemesGuideThee. . Souls Per Use: 30. Added a new Dexterity/Strength Support Gem - Sadism: Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing Damaging Ailments inflicted by them to deal damage faster, but causes the inflicted. Pretty neat, but we can go further. Far Shot does not have any equivalent wording. Refreshing the duration when they expire and returning them early is pretty broken. 00% Effectiveness of Added Damage: 110% Requires. 46% from the base 23% Phantasmal Quality. So much good stuff Vengeant cascade is dead, (big nerf to mid game Lightning arrow / Ice shot). -----Stream and social media-----Streaming daily at 11:00 am U. Skill functions and interactions. Finally we can take advantage of Projectile Speed sources to increase thie hits of our unseen strike skill. Returning is the "last" in the list of possible projectile behaviours when hitting a target. Requires Level 12. Less of a problem since one of the returning projectiles should hit. 15% increased Projectile Speed Attack Projectiles Return to you from final Target Returning Projectiles Pierce all Targets. Normally projectiles are able to hit monsters once outgoing and once returning. Pierce has first priority for projectile behaviours, followed by fork, chain, then return. ; Duration: Spark duration determines how long spark projectiles will persist, and is increased by both skill duration passives and support. Vengeant Cascade is a Notable Passive Skill in Path of Exile and has gained significant attention and discussion within the community. With the changes to projectile mechanics Vengeant Cascade now reads "Attack Projectiles Return to you. Then once your Awakened Vicious Projectiles gets to level 5 (it's currently 2), you will have 28+ million DPS. Chain is a behavior of projectiles and chaining skills that causes them to bounce off targets they hit and seek out additional nearby targets. iKneadDough • 5 mo. Attack Speed: 120% of base. On the way back set of fired projectiles still have the limitation of hitting the target once. Different take on a semi-regular wander build, running as Raider instead of Deadeye, utilizing Power Siphon barrage for single targets and Kinetic Blast for clear. The second form pierces all targets and has increased projectile speed and critical strike chance and multiplier. The returning proj by default can pass through/hit enemies on the way back but will deal no DMG on the return hit. When paired with the Pierce support, Faster Projectiles will allow your projectiles to travel deeply through packs of mobs. ; Ricochets: Spark projectiles will. Even if it it had no scaling that's still a good support. Stay sane, Exile! Path of Exile 3. PoE Projectiles 3. Previously some effects that caused projectiles to return specified they only did so at the end of their flight, others only from a final target, and a few from either case. The community has had a lot of questions about Ruthless, so today we've gathered the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Projectiles from Supported Skills Return to you. With the changes to projectile mechanics Vengeant Cascade now reads "Attack Projectiles Return to you. So you probably could tune the build for it to still hit your feet, but idk for sure. Molten Strike + Returning projectiles league start. It can be used with any Melee Weapon, which makes it very. Top 5 Magic Find Builds in Path of Exile 3. Since returning projectiles support will let the. Poison Molten Strike. 21 Crucible. Vengeance Cascade has a similar effect but only support attack projectile. Projectiles Return to you from final target. 4Item acquisition. It causes projectiles to return and pierce all targets while returning. A) take the distance from the first shooting i. Share Sort by:. The projectiles from Explosive Concoction are ground-targeted, cannot collide with enemies, and cannot pierce, fork, split or chain; only the explosion hit and do damage. After traveling a short distance the projectiles enter a second form. I thought spark would work, but only return at 150 range, meaning you would need to scale duration and projectile speed to get use out of it. 4. 9's Conquerors of the Atlas release, this is still accurate as of 3. Pierce is a behaviour of projectiles that enables them to pass through targets they hit, continuing along their original trajectory. Anomalous Mirage Archer Support 6%. " Previously the node required you to hit something to proc the return behavior. Pierce - Fork - Chain - Return. poe. HoldMySoda i7-13700K | RTX 4070 Ti | 32GB DDR5-6000 • 20 hr. The last Unique that's been discovered by the community was designed by a. 22. Vengeant Cascade is a notable passive skill that increases projectile speed and makes attack projectiles return . Some skills can shotgun even with multiple projectiles, but those are. Caught projectiles spiral outwards when you use Whirling Blades and do not return. Returning Projectiles Support; Increased Critical Damage Support (Inspiration Support for a 6-Link). Log In Create Account Contact Support. 98=4. Spark works well with it because of it's movement pattern: those forked projectiles can return and cause delayed shotguns or hit targets that were missed. I have annointed Vengeant Cascade. 21 Crucible League; PoE 3. Anomalous Returning Projectiles Support. So how is the return mechanic going to interact with Shattering Steel? I know the general mechanic of pierce, chain and fork is pierce -> fork -> chain. Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Slower Projectiles. The returning projectiles also fly past our character and can hit enemies behind us,. Splitting Steel. Divergent Lightning Trap can already return, so this is 14 divines (current price) and an entire ring slot for better coverage. Chris' post: All projectiles now behave like arrows. You probably didn't notice but none of the new supports have their values listed in the patch notes. Point Blank now has less of a penalty to ranged damage, scaling down to 50% of normal damage. That being said projectiles returning is always the last step so chain would not work again after a. Corrupting Cry Support Gem: Warcries and Exerted Attacks inflict Corrupted Blood. Requires Level 38. Divergent Inspiration Support 11%. Divergent lightning trap pretty much doubles your damage with the returning projectiles. This means that if you had pierce, fork, and chain supporting the. Tornado Shot Attack, Projectile, Bow. This Notable Passive Skill offers a unique mechanic that can. Was theorycrafting my next build and I thought using the Anomalous Faster Projectiles support gem could be interesting, but the wording was confusing to me so I decided to test it a bit. Returning projectiles do not split again. Cobra Lash has been added to the game. Creates already-caught projectiles without firing them first, both immediately and over a secondary duration. Faster Projectiles Support Support, Projectile Icon: j Level: (1-20) Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120% Requires Level 31 Supports projectile skills. They don't. With the new behavior of how projectiles return, I'm wondering how it will work with frost blades in a single-target scenario. That's pretty much as good as supports get. Buy PoE Currency CheapOne gem catches my attention is the Returning Projectiles Support. Far Shot could start at -50%, -30%, or it could be 0. 22 nerf was 60% chance to return with no damage penalty, which is similar to the new gem which is 100% return but with damage penalty. Returning Projectiles Support Support, Projectile. That’s the order. 5x multiplier because returning projectiles count the total traveled distance so it would be dealing much lower damage than the outgoing projectile. The projectiles will return if they hit a target and do not pierce/fork/chain from them. Vengeant Cascade makes your primary projectiles return. Projectiles from Supported Skills have (19-20)% chance to Return to you an additional Time. Vengeant Cascade is a notable passive skill that increases projectile speed and makes attack projectiles return. When using hydrosphere with exactly 1 pierce (no chain or fork) and shooting a projectile, it will fire through. 5% chance to Return to you Supported Skills deal 0.